Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Pesto Pasta with Asparagus And Chicken Sausage

            PASTA, once a humble peasant dish, is now an international culinary superstar. Why has this happened? Because pasta is not only simple to prepare at home, but also it is light and extraordinarily versatile. Somehow I like pasta dishes as I feel it can be that one dish which you can make it a balanced meal by adding Veggies, Carbs, Proteins. That's why I keep that for Fridays. If we aren't stepping out anywhere on that day, Pasta will surely be on the menu. Fridays are those days of the week when food is the last thing you want to worry about so why not keep it simple. This pasta dish I'm going share is even easier to make. Its all about putting all the elements together.

I love asparagus. Before coming to US Never even heard of asparagus. And I was never even open to try it too. But a friend introduced to this veggie. Now it is regular in my kitchen. Likewise, there are so many unusual veggies that I came across. which is now part of my grocery list.

For this Dish I used Farfalle Pasta But you can use any pasta you want. The name of the dish is quite self explanatory. so Don't have to explain much. I strongly recommend using Sun-dried tomatoes for this Pasta dish. But My Sunny Boy HATE it so I didn't add. but If you are ever going to try this recipe, please try Adding Sun-dried tomatoes ( u know the ones in olive oil). Now lets move forward with the recipe.


Pasta (Farfalle) - 1 LB.
Olive Oil - 1 tbsp
Asparagus - 2 Bundles  (Cut into 1" Pieces)
Chicken Sausage -   4 Medium sized    (For alternative Cooked dices chicken can be used) Slice them
Pesto - 4- 5 tbsp. I used the store bought one
Chili flakes According to your taste
Salt And pepper to your taste


  1. Cook Farfalle in a pot according to the packet instructions or until al dente.( don't forget to add salt to the water.
  2. In the same pan heat oil And fry Chicken Sausage till golden brown. Then keep aside.
  3. Now Sauté the asparagus for 2- 3 mins in the same pan. Add Salt and pepper. Then Keep Aside.
  4. Now all you have to do is put every thing together in a large bowl and mix it.
  5. Serve it hot or cold.

Makes 4 Servings.