Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Hummus with Hemp Seeds


                       Hemp with a broad range of amino acids, easier to digest, & a balanced ratio of essential fatty acids, it's easy to see why Hemp is a better source of protein. Hemp seeds help building muscles and controls cholesterol. Hemp seeds can be included into your diet by adding these to yogurt,salads,cereals,soups and smoothies. It comes in a oil form too.

                      Hemp Seeds are a gift of nature. They are the most nutritious seed in the world. Hemp Seeds are a complete protein. They have the most concentrated balance of proteins, essential fats, vitamins and enzymes combined with a relative absence of sugar, starches and saturated fats. Hemp Seeds are one of nature's perfect foods - a Super Food

       I have recently introduced to Hemp seeds by a good friend. so been trying to include in my diet as much as possible. Try this Hummus, you can't really taste Hemp seeds much.


Hemp Seeds 4 Tbsp
Cooked chickpea or canned, Garbanzo Beans 2 cups
lemon juice 4 tsp
Garlic Minced 2 cloves small
Tahini paste (Sesame seed paste) 2 Tbsp
Olive oil 6 tbsp
Salt 1 Tsp
water 2 Tbsp
Paprika, Chopped coriander leaves for garnishing


  • Grind hemp seeds in the grinder. Put them in the food processor.
  • Add lemon juice, chickpeas, tahini paste, garlic water, olive oil and salt.
  • Process it for a minute or so.Till smooth. If it's too thick add water little at a time.
  •  To serve, Spoon it into a bowl. Drizzle some olive oil and sprinkle with paprika.
  • Garnish with coriander leaves.

Makes 2 Cups of Hummus.