Friday, October 14, 2016


                    My breakfast is always on the go. Don't get time to sit down and have a nice breakfast. Mornings are always crazy. Those morning hours I  feel like I'm a superwoman or something. Doing five different things in the same time. And I'm pretty sure a lot of moms out there feel the same way. But I can't compromise on my breakfast. Need something really energizing that will keep me going till lunchtime. So here is a smoothie that is delicious as well as nutritious too. Give it a try.


Freshly squeezed orange juice roughly 4 oranges - 1 1/2 cups ( Store bought also can be used)
Lime juice freshly squeezed - 1tbsp
Strawberries cut in half - 1 cup
Ripe banana - 1

  • Combine the orange juice, lime juice, strawberries in a blender and process until smooth.
  • Add the banana Blend it till smooth. Pour it in your glass. Enjoy.
  • For Slushy smoothie,Combine the orange juice, lime juice, strawberries in a blender and process until smooth. Freeze it for until partially freezes. Then add the banana and again blend it, this will give it a nice slush like texture.
  • Serve chilled.

Makes 3 servings.